Good news for graphical interfaces on PSoC4/5LP.
Micrium's µC/Probe Graphical Live Watch V3.3 released last week with support for PSoC 4 and PSoC 5LP.
µC/Probe is a Windows data visulation tool that lets you graphically interact with embedded target processors and map memory values to a set of virtual controls and indicators. It's a simple drag and drop interface. µC/Probe works with the Cypress MiniProg3, Cypress's PSoC on-board kit programmers, and Segger's J-Link probe and you can add a variety of dials, controls, and indicators.Using µC/Probe's Graphical display everyone can view the live values of variables on the target using graphical gauges, meters, bargraphs, graphs, plots, numeric indicators and bitmaps.
It also possible to change the value of these variables in the µC/Probe interface. An interesting solution for our projects!
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